Monday, June 4, 2012

North Olympic Discovery Marathon

June 3rd 2012

After running last years race I knew what to expect and prepare for.  Everything lined up perfectly.  Weather conditions where cool and cloudy.  Training was solid (could have been better), but I was pleased. I Knew the course, had all the proper gear and was mentally prepared.  Was nervous with the build up to the race, but calm the morning of.

My father in law, Russ, took me down to the bus.  Got on the bus and a few of my Guerilla Running teammates got on.  Love my teammates.  We talked and shared stories about races and being on this great club during the ride to Squim.  Soon enough we arrived.  Thank you Melinda and Kelly.  We departed the bus and gather into the Guy Cole Convention Center at Carrie Blake Park.  A big warm building with lots of seating.  April arrived and we relaxed and conserved energy.  10 minute til race, began heading to the start of the race.

Race plan.  My ambitious goal was 3:30's. my realistic goal was under 3:50.  To reach my goal I was going to need a 8:00 minute mile pace.  Which I knew I was capable of.  Walk through my water stations, to ensure proper hydration and give my legs a little break.  Throw it some butt kickers from time to time, change my motion of my legs. Walk up the major hills, they we short but steep.  I was pleased with my plan and prepared to follow it through..

My wonderful wife helped me plan and mentally prepare for it too.  She was going to crew me when possible, she was a life saver one more was than one.  She would have a few essentials that I would need, Gu Chomps and Nuun. And loads of cheering!

I find the 3:30 pacer and loosen up and bit more.  It's 0900 now the race begins.  The first 4 miles was going to be warm up.  A long slight uphill and several turns.  I stayed with the pacer and moved through the City of Squim. I remember thinking the pacer was going a little fast, but keep going.  I avoided getting caught up in the excitement and stuck to my plan.  Cruised though mile 16 then it became intestinal fortitude time.  I ran to the start of the ravines and then walked up them and continued to walk through my water stations.  Keeping hydrated and consuming my Gu Chomps and getting in Nuun.  My paced slowed from my original goal, but my spirits stayed high. I only managed two 10 minute miles, which made me happy.  Fatigue was setting in, but I kept on moving and pushing to keep my pace in the 9 min/mile.  I managed to do that.  Got to aide station 13 rehydrated and ate a few Gu Chomps. Made my final push.

Pushing on I found myself at the at the last major obstacle of the course up and around the Mill site.  I started to hear my family again cheering me on. To be honest, it brought a few tears to my eyes.  I was almost around the mill site and found Brenda and Trinny.  I continued down the trail a bit found my mother in law Merri.  Crossed the bridge over Ennis Creek passed the last aide station and went for it. I was only about a half mile away from the finish looked, at my Garmin and realized I had a shot at 3:45.  I pushed my limits to the finish, fighting off my left hamstring from cramping while driving to meet my goal.

I did it, my second marathon completed with a 31 minute PR.  Today as I sit here reflecting.  I'm proud of the effort. I left everything out there on the course and thankful of my loving family and friends.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blogging from my phone

I just downloaded the blogger app to my phone and wanted to try it out.  I have not not blogged in a while. Numerous thoughts are going through my head.

Had a great Sunday, ran in a race today with the whole clan. Ariel and I ran in the Road onden Run. We took the Father/daughter division. Brenda and her dad took the father daughter division, over 80 combined age. Trinity did the kids race 1.5 miles and was 3rd place girl. And many of my running family, the Guerilla Running Racing Club, had great races....oh yeah the weather was below freezing, snowing and windy.

Thought two...I don't have a spell checking on my phone. I apologize now for my spelling.

Thought I ate way to much today. I have been eating thing I see. Need to stop that.

Need to go to bed soon. Don't always sleep well. Heck I can blog from my phone now, maybe I will do that when I can't sleep.

Glad the snow is going away. I can't wait for some warmer weather. It's really about longer days so I can run after work in light.

Star Wars episode III is on, good movie.

Brenda is busily looking up her family history online. I hope see finds all she wants to.  She is a great rsearcher.

She is doing great in nursing school. Such a smart woman. I am truely blessed to have her in my life.

I was talking with a good friend today about how I truely believe she saved my life.  I was drinking way to much, binge drinking on the weekends, and going now where in life.  Had lots of friends, but none I could really count on.

Isn't is weird that you can meet certain people and just have a connection with them. That's all my running peeps.

Well that's enough thoughts tonight. Working a 12 hour shift tomorrow, actually the next three days. Good night all.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Inspiration of Running

About 3 years ago we hear from a PE teacher at my daughter school that Ariel is a pretty good what a journey that created.  Since then she has competed in three Track N Field and Cross Country Regional Junior Olympic Meets in two different states. Plus this year will be her second year at the Junior Olympic Nationals Meet. Because of this Running Journey she has traveled to Reno Nevada and in 10 days go to Hoover Alabama.  We have become invested in the local running community.

Inspiration: What inspires me....when it comes to life, it's my family. Specifically about running my oldest daughter Ariel has motivated me the last few months to become an athlete again. I have attempted running a few times in the last few years, but never managed to stick with it.  Running was a punishment in the sports I previously played. I found that running lets anyone still be an athlete at any age.  

After high school I gained weight and became less active. I thought my athletic days were over.  I soon realized what I did to my body. I was eating crap and drinking alcohol ways to much. I was on the fast reack to now where quick.  I started my first diet and exercise program in 2000. I was successful, I lost all the weight plus some. When I met my wife in 2001 I was 175 pound and active again. I competed in my first 5K during that time. Only ran for the cardio.  After traveling down a broken road I finally found my wife. Starting our family, raising children and going to school the pounds magically should up again over the years.

Cross Country Season started in August this year.  My weight was around 215 pounds. I vowed change.  I couldn't even run a ten minute mile, it was rather disappointing, but I watched my daughter start the season running hard and persevering.  I didn't want to be a dad that sat on the side lines yelling and wishing I was out there.  I kept running, running and running.  I was running with Ariel cross country team and blam rolled my ankle in warm ups. I was put on the disabled list, but I stuck to my diet.   After a few weeks I was able to run again.  The weight was falling off, but it was hard work and perseverance.  My goals were becoming obtainable.

Since I started running again I have set PR's in multiple races this year. I ran a 5K, 4K cross country, my first 10K and a 4 mile Oly Trot on Thanksgiving.  Which Ariel and I finished 33rd and 34th out of 323 runners. Ariel was 33rd over all, 1st in her age division and the 4th over all woman.  I even told her to take it easy, due to the weather conditions, wow are you kidding me.

In the last few weeks leading up to the Oly Trot we have a had a sense of belonging in the running community.  I decided to join the Guerilla Running Club, I have felt like I was apart of something bigger now.  This is a special group with awesome runners in it and we feel welcomed and supported.  They even donated to the Get Ariel to Nationals Fund and are helping us on facebook to raise awareness about that Fund.  I have falling in love with running and the community involved, what a feeling. I will never be that weight again.

Keep your eyes out for the results of Ariel's National trip, can't wait. Her training is going well. It time to shock the world.

My SuperStar Running

Ugly Face,, but that's Determination

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The begining

Life is a journey. Most people in life have stories to share, I  was inspired to create a blog from my wife who read me a blog of a friend of mine, Korey Konga.  We all go through tough times during our life.  Emotional and physical challenges face us.  My journey started off a bit different than some. This blog is going to be stories from my journey through life, some sad, some joyful, but hopefully all inspirational. 

A bit about me: I have been happily married for over 8 years and have two daughters. I am a Registered Nurse and work as a Acute Neuro Sciences Nurse.  I have many interest in life. I am a Free Mason and have become a runner. More about this part of my journey to follow as I blog more.

My journey begins in June of 74, but my path changed on December 18th of 1974.  I was six months old when a hot water vaporizer/ humidifier fell into my crib. I was burned over 70% of my little body. I was rushed to St. Peters Hospital and after 12 hours in the ER I was flown to Harbor View Medical Center.  It just opened up that year, if I remember right?  When I arrived at St. Petes ER they told my mom and dad that I would not live much longer.  That moment in life shaped me to the man I am today.  I spent multiple years in the hospital and have had numerous surgeries. 

I had surgeries all the way up till I turned 18 years old.  The ones I remember the most where all at St. Peters except one. An interesting point, I work as a RN and the hospital where I was born, initially brought to after getting burned and had several surgeries as a child. Huh who would have ever thought. 

Childhood was rough, mainly because of the grade school years.  I was tormented emotionally and physically daily. Even though some kids looked after me, peer pressure is an uphill battle that even the good kids can't climb all the time.  When I was two years old we moved out of Washington State to California.  My mom married a Navy man and we moved to a Navy Base in San Diego.  My brother was born while we were stationed there. We then were shipped off to Hawaii and lived there for a while.  I have a few memories from those days. One that always pops up was the hot sand wand coconuts on the beach. 

I was playing in the neighborhood one day. I had had a recent surgery where pins where placed in my right had was was horrible deformed from the burns and growth.  They placed them in order to straighten the hand and fingers.  I always had a deep desire to belong and fit in, still do.  I  remember a race challenge was mentioned so I was asked to participate. Wanting to fit in i agreed to race.  Heart was pounding with anticipation of the challenge. We line up to start, about 5 to 6 of us eager to start. I felt the presence of a neighbor kid to my right yelling "on your mark, get set......go." I jolted my body in a forward motion felt my leg hit something and down I went. Placing my hands out to catch myself and smashing my surgical hand into the ground. The tears flowing from my face and I hear laughter break out, Kids pointing at me and the boy that was standing to my right calling the start of the race was demonstrating how he intentionally tripped me.

Battered, bleeding and bruised I got up and went home. That event was not the last one of that type.  I took it to heart in those days. Friends are very important to children and I never  really had one that I could count on and trust. Well that's enough for now. I will blog more as I get more familiar with this process.